How to apply discounts
Learn how to apply discounts on Imonggo iPad upon checkout
*Discounts mentioned below are only available in the Philippines
In the Philippines, there are special discounts given to Senior Citizens, Persons with Disabilities, National Athletes and Coaches, and Medal of Valor Awardees. If your store operates in the Philippines, you can apply these discounts easily upon checkout on Imonggo iPad.
Types of discounts available on iPad
Senior Citizens discount
Person with Disability discount
National Athletes and Coaches discount
Medal of Valor Awardee discount
Tag products applicable for discounts
In order for the discount to work, discountable products must be tagged appropriately. This can be done through your iPad.
Senior Citizens and Person with Disability
National Athletes and Coaches
Medal of Valor Awardee
To apply the discount to a product, go to the Stockroom and select a product to tag.
When you tap a product, the product modal should popup. Scroll down to the tags and input the discounts you want for this product. You can add one or several discounts (separate with a comma).
Apply discount upon checkout
Step 1:
Go to your Store and add the products to your cart
Step 2:
Tap the discount icon to display the discounts popup
Step 3:
Here you can tap either Custom, SC (Senior Citizen), PWD (Person with Disability), MV (Medal of Valor) or NAC (National Athletes and Coaches) type discount.
Step 4:
Fill out the customer's name and the ID number of their discount id.
Once you've applied your discount, the discount should be applied to the tagged items in your cart. You can now checkout and finish the transaction.
Ex. The Medal of Valor discount only applies to the Cakes Assorted.
Custom Discount
If you'd like to apply a custom discount, simply tap on Custom in the discount modal. Tap the switch if you'd like to give a percent discount or flat rate discount.
We hope you like using Imonggo for iPad! If you have any feedback or questions please feel free to chat with us so we can help you out.
Last updated